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2025 Entertainer Application

Oregon Festivals and Events Association is looking for strolling performers and grounds acts to perform at our spring conference in Seaside, Oregon from Feb. 27 - March 1, 2025.

It's an opportunity to entertain event producers from across the state.

Please complete this application by January 10, 2025 to be considered.
Please complete name as you want it listed in the program
Contact Information
To be published in Conference Program
Primary contact person
Where can folks find more information about you
Address to be listed in the program
Best mailing address
Please list names of all performers and immediate support staff attending during showcase. (Limited )
Upload photo, graphic / logo but no audio or video, use good quality digital, may or may not be used in program
Upload photo, graphic / logo but no audio or video, use good quality digital, may or may not be used in program
Submit a link to a youtube or other video submission that is from the past year.

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