Haines Stampede Rodeo & Fourth of July
The "Haines Days" Old-Fashioned Fourth of July Celebration is a full day of fun for the whole family! The event starts with the Independence Day fun run and walk, with 5k and 10k events, followed by a cowboy breakfast at the Elkhorn Grange, from 7 to 10 a.m. The Parade starts at 10 a.m., with kids activities and the "Haines Days" art festival, selling handcrafted arts from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. A fund raising BBQ for the SPC. James Mabry Anders Memorial Foundation opens after the parade, around 11 a.m. The Haines Stampede Rodeo starts at 1:30 p.m. in the rodeo grounds, and Fireworks begin at approximately 10 p.m. near the Rodeo Grounds.

Date and Time
Thursday Jul 4, 2024
July 4th
Haines, Oregon Eight miles north of Baker City on OR Highway 30.
Varies with activities
Contact Information
541-519-4554 or 541-786-8788
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